Ina Kapatid Anak Episode 56 Subtitle Indonesia

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Nonton Film Ina, Kapatid, Anak (2012) Sub Indo

Nonton Drama Ina, Kapatid, Anak (2012) Tanpa Bayar

PG-13|Duration: 120 Min |View: 95    |Comedy, Drama   | |
656voting, rata-rata 5,6dari 10

Ina, Kapatid, Anak (2012) sub indo adalah drama serial Philippines yang di perankan oleh , , , . Nonton Drama Ina, Kapatid, Anak (2012) Tanpa Bayar hanya di JURAGANFILM dan pasti nya kalau kamu sedang mencari Nonton Drama Ina, Kapatid, Anak (2012) Tanpa Bayar atau pun Film Seri Filipina Sub Indo lain nya, kamu sudah berkunjung ke website nonton film yang tepat, sebab JURAGANFILM adalah situs nonton film yang pasti nya tidak akan bikin kamu kecewa.

JURAGANFILM melalui postingan ini akan memberikan informasi terkait dengan Ina, Kapatid, Anak (2012), jadi Sebelum Nonton Drama Ina, Kapatid, Anak (2012) Tanpa Bayar, ada baiknya pengunjung membaca sekilas sinopsis Film Seri Filipina Sub Indo yang sudah kami rangkum di bawah ini , agar pengunjung memiliki gambaran bagaimana jalan cerita atau sekilas bayangan mengenai film seri drakor ini.

Last Air Date:09 May 2018

Sinopsis Singkat Drakor Ina, Kapatid, Anak (2012)

Celyn Buenaventura (Kim Chiu) was an ambitious and kind working-class girl living in Cebu with her widowed mother, Theresa Apolinario (Cherry Pie Picache). One day, she received an acceptance letter from the University of the Philippines Diliman, but Theresa was furious and refused to let her go. Celyn thus travelled alone to Manila, and upon arriving was employed by the owner of a carinderia, who allowed her to sleep in the eatery. On the first day of school, Celyn met Margaux Marasigan (Maja Salvador), the daughter of Julio (Ariel Rivera) and Beatrice Marasigan (Janice de Belen), owners of the famous Memorata shoe company. Margaux lived the luxurious life of an heiress, and Celyn looked up to her in admiration. Celyn also met her friends, Ethan Castillo (Enchong Dee) and Liam Lagdameo (Xian Lim); she and Liam were initially irritated with each other and she remembered Ethan from a childhood incident where he seemingly saved her life. Celyn and Margaux eventually became best friends. Celyn found out that Ethan and Margaux were lovers. Margaux may have led a life like a princess, but she was often concerned about her mother's strictness. Margaux follows everything Beatrice says, but she knows that her family is against Ethan. They kept their relationship a secret. Celyn found out that Liam has a lifelong crush with Margaux, who was his best friend. They promised not to tell anyone when Liam also found out Celyn likes Ethan. Beatrice showed great dislike to Celyn because she believes Celyn is changing Margaux, while Julio defended Celyn. Theresa decided to moved to Manila with her father, Zacharias (Ronaldo Valdez), and was found by Julio, who confronted her and asked where she took his real child. Theresa tried to hide Celyn from Julio, but they already met each other. Ethan's father ran away because Lucas thought that he is the one who took his money. When Margaux and Ethan decided to elope, they were thwarted by Beatrice after Celyn informed her of the escape attempt. Margaux couldn't believe Celyn would betray her, and their feud began. Ethan tried to get Margaux back, but she denied their relationship, leaving Ethan lonely and depressed. Celyn and Ethan became closer together and Ethan confessed his feelings for Celyn. Margaux longed for Liam's company, but Liam always tried to defend Celyn whenever Margaux taunted her. Celyn was hurt at how Margaux treated her. Beatrice, who was really Theresa's maternal half-sister through their mother Yolanda, found out that Julio and Theresa were meeting each other. Infuriated, she lashed out at Theresa and confrontations ensued. Julio then revealed to a shaken Celyn that she was actually their missing daughter, and Beatrice immediately regretted hating her. Beatrice remained opposed to Theresa, and legal issues about who gets Celyn started. They agreed that Celyn will stay in Beatrice's house for the weekdays and Theresa's at the weekends. Now graduated, Celyn and Margaux's feud intensified as Margaux became more confident, determined to destroy Celyn who bested her by becoming vice-president at Memorata. Margaux thought she loves Liam and craves for his company, and Celyn forgives Ethan, after a dispute during their graduation. Celyn remained angered at Liam, and Liam confessed his feelings to Celyn. A jealous Margaux tried to win Liam back. Theresa's cousin, Oscar, has flashbacks of Theresa's pregnancy; when the midwife delivered twins, he decided to kept it a secret. The original plan was that Beatrice and Julio raise the child after its birth, but Theresa refused, saying that she carried the child and was thus its mother. After Theresa gave birth, Oscar took one child and gave it to Beatrice as promised. It was revealed that Celyn and Margaux were the twins delivered of Theresa, and Zacharias admits to having engineered the exchange, adding he did so to keep the peace between the two half sisters. Margaux's hatred towards Celyn became more relaxed but dangerous; she is a part of the family after all. Mio Buenaventura (John Regala), who was Theresa's deceased husband, is revealed to have faked his death and now seeks revenge. Mio shot Julio, sending him into a coma, and while waiting on him in hospital, Celyn and Margaux reconciled and prayed for their father's recovery. Julio woke up and was discharged, but Mio still threatened them. Theresa eventually realized that Ethan's friend, Diego Medina (Alex Medina) - who had become close to her when she went back to university – was Joshua, her long-lost firstborn whom Mio had spirited away years before. Driven by guilt and grief, Theresa tried to get Diego back. Celyn and Ethan spied around Mio's house, trying to find evidence confirming their theory of a link between him and Diego. Mio caught them, allowing Ethan to escape and holding Celyn hostage, torturing her repeatedly. Mio asked for an exorbitant ransom from Lucas Elizalde, Beatrice's father, who was Mio's employer and thus the mastermind. Lucas, who wanted Mio dead lest he be implicated, agreed and sent him the money through Theresa. In the rescue operation, policeman fired at Mio while Diego escaped, taking Celyn with him to an abandoned kitchen. Panicking, Diego randomly fired his gun, causing several LPG tanks to explode and burn the room. Margaux tried to save Celyn from the flames, but both were eventually rescued by Liam, while Mio was placed under hospital arrest. Lucas planned Mio's escape attempt because Diego had blackmailed him. After having a happy reunion, Liam proposed to Celyn, which she accepted. They all learned that Mio had escaped, and he visited Theresa again, stabbing Liam three times and before disappearing once more. Beatriz then planned to flee to Singapore for their safety, and she finally reconciled with Theresa one night, amidst hugs and tears. Margaux, Theresa, Celyn and Beatrice were then kidnapped by Mio and Diego. Lucas, who had gone to hiding with the two men after being exposed, saw Beatrice and he text Yolanda on their location. When police reinforcements came in, Mio ordered Diego to shoot his own mother, which he refused to do after a nervous breakdown. Angered, Mio tried to wrest the gun from Diego, and after a struggle pulled the trigger, shooting his son before a distraught Theresa. Diego asked her to forgive him and died, causing Mio to roil in emotional agony for killing his own son. Theresa managed to flee with the others, but Mio cornered them. He was about to shoot Theresa when Julio arrived and shot Mio. They all hugged each other while Ethan and Liam ran to meet them, but Mio stirred and shot Theresa in the back before being himself killed by the police. In hospital, Theresa came close to death, but survived the gunshot wound. The last scenes showed Celyn and Margaux over Joshua's grave, saying they forgive him, and pictures of Margaux & Ethan and Celyn & Liam, married to each other. Lucas (Eddie Gutierrez) was in prison being visited by Yolanda (Pilar Pilapil), who forgave him for what he did. Celyn and Margaux eventually became pregnant, with Liam and Ethan by their sides, and Celyn gave birth, followed by Margaux. The series ends with scenes of the entire extended family in church for the baptism of the babies, with Celyn and Margaux's babies holding hands while their mothers' arms.

Nonton Drama Philippines Ina, Kapatid, Anak (2012) Sub Indo Terbaru

Banyak Film Seri Filipina Sub Indo yang Biasa Ditayangkan di Juraganfilm Layarkaca21 Indoxxi Cinemaindo dan masuk ke dalam Film Seri Filipina Sub Indo Terbaik sehingga menjadi Film Seri yang bisa menyedot animo masyarakat untuk menonton Film Seri ini, sehingga bisa membuat Film Seri Ina, Kapatid, Anak (2012) sub indo ini menjadi Film Seri terlaris dan bisa membuat Anda selalu ingin menonton Film Seri ini secara terus menerus.

Nonton Ina, Kapatid, Anak (2012) Sub Indo yang bagus adalah Film Seri yang memiliki banyak sekali penggemar, dan pasti Film Seri yang bagus memiliki beberapa faktor sehingga bisa dikatakan Film Seri yang berkulitas. Pertama adalah Alur cerita, Ina, Kapatid, Anak (2012) adalah series yang di balut dengan genre akan menjadi primadona jika Film Seri tersebut memiliki alur cerita yang jelas dan pesan yang disampaikan bisa diterima oleh Anda para penikmat Film Seri, sehingga Film Seri yang Anda tonton bisa membuat Anda ketagihan.

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Jika Anda ingin tahu Film Seri apa yang memiliki alur cerita yang dapat membuat Anda tertarik salah satunya adalah Film Seri Ina, Kapatid, Anak (2012), Film Seri ini adalah salah satu sekian banyak Film Seri Filipina Sub Indo yang sangat patut Anda tonton, perlu Anda ketahui, Film Seri ini di buat pada tahun , memiliki alur cerita yang sangat menarik dan bisa membuat Anda ketagihan untuk menotonnya. Dengan alur cerita yang sangat baik, bahkan menjadi salah satu yang terbaik yang pernah ada. Film Seri ini bisa membuat Anda masuk ke dalam cerita , Anda akan bisa merasakan secara langsung alur Film Seri ini. Bisa dijamin Anda akan sangat menikmati Ina, Kapatid, Anak (2012).

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Nonton Ina, Kapatid, Anak (2012) Sub Indo

Rekomendasi Web Nonton Drama Philippines Ina, Kapatid, Anak (2012) Dengan Subtitle Indonesia

Film Seri ini berasal dari , mungkin banyak dari Anda sudah mengetahui jika negara tersebut memiliki kualitas Film Seri yang sangat luar biasa jadi tidak heran bisa membuat Ina, Kapatid, Anak (2012) sebagus ini, jaminan Film Seri berkualitas tentu saja menjadi daya tarik sendiri bagi masyarakat dunia jika ada Film Seri baru yang berasal dari Negara ini. Banyak sekali bintang Film Seri terkenal berasal dari Negara yang satu ini contohnya seperti Enchong Dee, Kim Chiu, Maja Salvador, Xian Lim. ada banyak sekali judul Film Seri yang ia sudah bintangi, Anda bisa melihatnya di Juraganfilm Layarkaca21 Indoxxi Cinemaindo DrakorID Anda akan melihat banyak sekali Film Seri yang sudah dibintangi di sana.

Apa Nama Situs Nonton Serial Ina, Kapatid, Anak (2012) Sub Indo

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Posted in Comedy, Drama Serial Filipina, Romance,

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